
Part 29: Walking Fashion Crime?? I THINK NOT!!!

For the days when my legs don't accept pants, I go with my favorite coral skirt!
That baby is classic and I will always love it!

 (Ha! Ignore the face. I just like my hair!)

(Blazer: DownEast, Skirt: D.I., Shoes: Payless, Watch: Gift from my brother, Undershirt: DownEast)

Also, I absolutely love this blazer. It sparkles & it's a blazer. What else do you need?!
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your closet right now?


  1. This is such a cute look! I love the braid in your hair! Now that I have bangs I never know how to do those side braids right. I think I need to ad more coral to my wardrobe.

  2. You look so cute! I love that color and I love your bow! Also, I'm pretty sure your blog has been this cute for a while but all this stuff doesn't show up when I read on my phone so I'm just now seeing it and I LOVE it! So cute!!

  3. You're so cute. Can I have that blazer, please? Thanks.

    Favorite item in my closet? My fall clothes :(


  4. loving the skirt! you are such a babe. and i really like your hair. and your blazer. and your blog. and you. ok that's enough.

  5. I'm a big fan of coral. Every girl should have at least one coral item in their closet!
