
What I Feel: My Viewpoint on Missionaries

Today I feel happy, ridiculous, and vulnerable. How all those emotions can co-exist, I'll never know. 
I've been thinking a lot about missionaries.
My heart aches for the well-being of all the missionaries out there.
Last night, I prayed for missionaries.
Yesterday, the Relief Society lesson was about missionaries.
Today, I wrote a missionary.
Next week, I'm sending packages of letters to 12 missionaries.
I love it!
My viewpoint about missionaries has flipped 180 degrees.
All the hype and fluffiness has died and  the reality that there are boys on missions has hit me hard.
Missions have always seemed so intangible and irrelevant to me. They seemed so far off in the distance and I've always thought "they'll get here eventually" never really believing that they would.
I sincerely pray for missionaries every night. I hope they are having joyous experiences that will change their life for the better.


  1. I love me some missionaries! :)
    I'm totally the same way.

    It's crazy how many of them are gone. And how much I now think about missionaries.
    There are suddenly like a million and a half scriptures that apply to missionary work that never did before.. It's weird.

    1. EXACTLY!!! I feel like I'm always surrounded by missionary work and I'm constantly thinking about it! :)

  2. love this - i'm mailing my missionary package tomorrow :)
    my little brothers birthday was last week :)

    1. It's SOOO great, isn't it?! Missionaries rock my world!! I'm praying for that brother of yours!

  3. It really is insane how we think that missions are so distant, and then before we know it, our missionaries are out serving! One of my dearest friends is leaving day after tomorrow, and a few others won't be far behind him! It all teaches me not to take advantage of these wonderful guys while their still here, and to prepare myself now to be worthy of the kind of men they are - and who knows? I may end up marrying one of them. It's also very exciting having missionaries to write!! And I'm with Elise - I love me some missionaries; especially those returned ones. ;)

    Keep praying, Elisabeth! You're so sweet, and such a good example. :)

  4. The scriptures do a total 180 when you're a missionary. I'd sit there and think "why on earth did I not see this in the scriptures before?"
    Answer: because the scriptures are what you make them. It's all about how you apply it to your own life.
